Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Big Girl Room

Mackenzie started in the big girl room at school today (upstairs). It was great! It was PJ day and they made pancakes so it was a nice introduction to the big kid room. I am really excited. Bill and I reminissed about bringing you in at 6 months old - so much has happened since then!

Mac you are such a good kid! As of now, you go to bed well around 8:00. Usually a little rocking and a little back rubbing. We sometimes count how many don't totally understanding the counting concept because you only ask for 10 or less "rocks".

In terms of what you know - it always amazes us (well really it amazes other people!). You speak in full sentences and are clear with your needs. You have a lot of little words and big words - like "privacy". You tend to really reinforce some conversations over and over like "we don't call them boobs mommy, we call them breasts" to which I reply yes mackenzie. You go potty by yourself and can wipe yourself (for the most part). You help me make things in the kitchen which is sometimes hard because the mess is bigger and the time is multiplied by two but I know it is the best for both of us. You know the rules - even when you don't follow them "Cameron that is not for you" "Cam we brush out teeth in the bathroom" "Cameron that binkie is just for bed time". We crack up when you tell Cam the rules that you don't even allow to apply to you - - yet they still apply to Cameron. You are a good sister - very loving and giving with hugs and kisses. You don't share very well with her yet and take toys from her often. This is the biggest reason you find yourself in time out.

You and Camilicious have the most fun in the tub together I think. She loves to splash and you both laugh these belly laughs that I don't really see any other time. Cameron babbles so much in the tub and you look and her and say "Cameron what you say?".

Meals are a little harder these days as you are getting fussier. It is very hard to resist the tempation to put mac & cheese in front of you every night. Some nights we do better than others but you like fruit and some choice - stand by veggies!

Christmas was a blast but you were a bit overwhelemed with all the toys. You are really liking your doll house the best I think. You enjoy the tool bench also but of all the gifts I think the doll house is getting the most airtime.

Lately you haven't been hearing too well and have gotten in the habit of asking WHAT a lot. We go back to the Dr. on Monday and I hope that they have gotten better.

Love you, Teri

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Santa is Busy

Today at the mall, Mackenzie saw Santa. My mother told her the line was very long.

When we checked in with her later in the day we asked:
"Did you sit on Santa's lap"
"No, he was too busy"

Santa, too busy? That's ridiculious!

Christmas Time

We have tried, without success, to have Mackenzie sit with Santa for a photo. She will watch from a distance and wave at him but she doesn't want to get too close. It is strange because she asks random people (e.g., waitresses) to pick her up.

For months she has said she wants santa to bring her a camera...and then quickly asked for binkies. Binkies? "Yes, for Cameron" Then when we asked if she would ask for something for Jake she said "Yes, Ernie"

Today talking to her on the phone we asked if she was going to see Santa with Nana and Papa and if she would sit on his lap "I like him, but I do not want to sit on his lap"

Monday, December 8, 2008

So Little Time

The girls are great, just not enough time to write.

Cameron has been walking a little over a week. Thanksgiving weekend she took about 5 steps -9 days later she is walking all the way down the hall without any issues. It is great! She is getting a little personality - a strong one!!! She is very verbal and very strong willed. Her vocab now includes please (pees) and thank you (ank ou) and some version of Mackenzie. She says Papa, nany, TT, KT, Mama, is really cool to see her develop and see how Mackenzie enjoys her talking.

Mackenzie, as soon as she uncovers a new word Cameron knows - - she will create a little skit
"Cameron you say me"
"Good girl Cam, you say me"

Mackenzie continues to be a delight - except when she is in terrible twos mode. She likes to dig in her heels about certain things - like not getting into her car seat - but she is very bright and very loving.

We have been trying to clean her ears as she is having some hearing issues (I think) and she has been receptive to using the baby oil every night. I really thought it was going to be a hassle but it hasn't been at all.

can't remember more - will write more soon

Saturday, December 6, 2008


Cameron has an insane vocab. She has at least 8 to 12 words: mama, dada, TT, papa, nana, owl, alligator, me, sister (her mom can probably add others) that she uses appropriately and consistently.

The really amusing thing is, she points and wants you to tell her the name for everything, as if she's taking it all in and later will write a dictionary.

When Cam and Jake were about 6 months old, I was worried that Cam was going to get steam-rolled. She was very content, and happy, kind of passive; And there was Mac, all demanding and verbal and mobile; and there was Jake the boy, with two mommmies fawning, the only nephew of Cam and Mac's parents, etc. But lately, Cam has shown she can advocate for herself. She has found her voice literally and figuratively and usually uses it to get the attention she desires.

I don't hear her shouting or screaming for personal attention as much as to get you to tell her what things are...

Typical example: Last night we went to Cheshire to play, eat dinner, and have "cousin joint bath time." I had Cam and Jake in the tub together and Katy got her dried and dressed, while I got him dried and dressed. Then there was a brief period of chaos where Jake was fussing, Mackenzie was demanding her share of the attention, and Cam was just screeching. As sometimes happens, I was attending to the other two saying to Cam, "one minute honey," but her screeching, turning to shouting and yelling at fever pitch. Finally I turned to see her with her hand outstretched, showing me a red shoe, telling me, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH AAAAHHHGGGGGHHHHHH AAAAHHH, AAAAAGGGHGGH."

I replied in all caps: "A SHOE. YES, CAMERON, THAT'S A SHOE."

Immediately, she was silent. She gave a half shrug and tilt of the head as if to say, "That's all I wanted to know," and put the shoe back in the closet.

Most of Cam's noise in my experience is associated with her trying to get you to tell her the names of things. She seems to like words.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Nick names and defending cousins

We were at my mom's last night as she had brought both Mac and Jake home from school.
First there was the story that Nana and Papa witnessed Mackenzie "defending" Jake's honor.
Apparently, Bryce had taken a toy from Jake and Mac told him "No, Jacob was playing with that, Bryce. You give that back to Jacob." Then some pulling and shoving ensued that got Bryce put into a timeout while Jake when off looking for a replacement toy.

Then I overhear a conversation between katy and Mackenzie.
K: Mackenzie, I don't have a nick name, you should help me get one.
M: yeah.
K: Do you know what a nick name is?
M: (silence)
K: What is your nick name?
M: Mackenzie Bella Lewis
K: No, that's your full name, what's your nick name?
M: (silence) heh
K: what do we sometimes call you?
M: (silence)
tt: Do we sometimes call you MacMac?
K: do we sometimes call you Mac?
M: My mommy sometimes calls me Mac Attack.
K: YES!!! THAT'S YOUR NICK NAME... What is Cameron's nickname?
M: Cameron Philicity Lewis
K: That's her full name. But what do we sometimes call her?
M: (silence)
K: Is it Cam?
tt: or do we call her CamCam?
M: Or we call her Cam-a-licious.
tt and K: YES!!!
K: Yes, everyone has a nickname. tt's name is tracy, but we call her tt. Nana's name is nancy, but we call her Nana. Papa's name is Brian, but we call him Papa. But I don't have a nick name. What's my nick name? Will you give me one?
M: You're name is KT, Katy... Don't you know your name?

(true cuteness)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Cold feet and chapstick

Sunday, we went to the mall. Three cousins and three mommies.
Then we went to TT, Kt, and Jacob's house for some homemade soup.

Mac is really cute, requesting things in extremely polite full sentences:
"TT, can you please get me more soup to eat?" And then later:
"Thank you for getting me that soup, TT."

She has a cracked lower lip and asked me,
"TT, can you please get some chopstick for me?" After a few minutes, I realized she meant chapstick and I was so enamored that I gave her the brand new tube out of my own pocket...

"Thank you for giving me that chopstick, TT," she said after the 6th or 7th re-application in less than fifteen minutes.

After dinner when we were playing, Mac peeled into hysterics when Jake was "flooping" on my belly. Then she started to take her shoes and socks off saying, "My feet are so cold." I wasn't really paying attention and I realized after that she kept repeating it, "My feet are soooooo cold..."
Next think I know, I feel two, small, completely toasty-warm feet up my shirt onto my back,
"Oh, TT, my feet are so cold, you warm them up..." And then giggles- she cracks herself up.

And yeah, she cracked me up too.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hugs at drop off

Yesterday, when I dropped Jake off at day care, Mac saw me and started crying out,

It was not a begging scream, but the sweetest request you can imagine.

When I brought her cousin over, Mac hugged and kissed him and then turned her attention toward me, (hugging) "TT. oh, TT." (laughing, giggling, hugging)

I dropped Jake off in the one year old room and went back for some more of that sweetness.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Update on the rugs

writing quickly on my way to the airport

Funny Mac Story:
Going to be is much better these days but she still plays games some night. One recent evening I hear from the bedroom
"Mackenzie you need to go to bed"
"Because I need to go to bed"
"Then go"
"I can't go until you are in bed"

Mac is really cute with Cam trying to motivate her to do things and telling her good girl all the time and also talking slower to her and in her face and asking her to repeat. I hear all my words coming back through her...even the DO NOT DO THAT words as well.

Cameron took one step (I think) yesterday.
She has a vocab - can you bleieve it - and understands what you are telling her like.

Give that to mommy...
Take your binkie out and give me a kiss...(open mouth of course)
She says "owl, moo (when she sees the cow), dada (which is so clear she means it), mama, papa, oh (for ut-oh), uuup (up), dow (down). It is impressive!!!

Love you girls!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Making Progress

Yesterday, Cameron did the following:
- stood on her own (for about 6 seconds)
- crawled up the stairs TWICE
- fed herself with a spoon (a messy venture but a goal none the less)

All this on a day that day care said she was SICK :-)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

New Words, New Teeth

So we are up to 6 tooth sprouts and at least four words
- Elmo
- Dora
- Aligator (al-ate-or)
- Baby

Yes folks - no mama, no dada - URG

Leave that for Daddy

I have been traveling quite a bit and the girls haven't been sleeping well. One night Bill got up with them a few times and ended the night on the hard wood floor of their room with a pillow and blanket. When I saw the remnents in the morning I asked what happened and he felt - at the time - it was the path of least resistence.

The next night, I put the girls to bed. When I went to pick up the pillow and blanket on the floor Mackenzie said "No Mommy, leave that for Daddy". I quickly let her know that Daddy wasn't sleeping on the floor again that night.

Thank goodness she didn't wake up that night.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Happy Birthday Song

Jake's birthday was Sunday and all the kids were on their best behavior. But Mackenzie, especially was excited and eager to help Jake celebrate. She was the first guest to arrive with her mommy and when they walked in, she sang "Happy birthday" in it's entirety. She used a sweet, soft voice, sang solo, was in perfect pitch and didn't muffle a word. It was pretty impressive.

Then during presents, she helped open the gifts telling me, "I'll do this, he's too little."

There were lots of kids around her age at the party and she is worlds apart from most of them developmentally. Her command of language is astounding.

Kissing cousins

This week, they put the kids in the one year old room. It would have been traumatic for Jake's mommies if Cameron had not gone in there with him. There are all these new rules about sleeping and eating and wearing shoes... At home, Jake is a little bit of a mess. Twice, he's going to bed before 7pm which makes me very sad b/c it means I am seeing him less than an hour at night and about 1.5 hours in the morning (which is not my best time of the day.)

Yesterday, I brought Jake to day care and he saw Cam for the first time in 2 days (His grannies have been in town watching him at home since his birthday.) Well, Cammie saw me and started crawling at break-neck pace. And Jake started crawling towards her as well. I was nervous that when they met each other he might swat at her or something because he's been a little rambunctious lately. But, when they met up, they both sat up, faced each other and clapped. Then they put their foreheads together and each put their hands on the cheeks of the other. I had to turn away to keep from weeping. It might have been the sweetest thing I have ever seen.

Then, quite unable to drive away at that moment, I stalled by going into the 2 year old room to see Mac. She dropped her spoon and RAN to give me the biggest hug. And the hundreds of hours of driving I've done to put this kid in day care with his cousins is instantly some of the best time I've spent.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Play Date

We had a good play date today with the neighbors (Irwins). Kyle, Sienna, Mackenzie and Cameron played really well. We had pizza and enjoyed a little bit of conversation with adults which was nice too.

The cutest thing was when Kyle went to play with Cameron. He walked up to her and patted her head and talked to her. Mac, I read your lips from across the room "you need to be gentle with my sister" and he was!

Mac, you are continuing to get more independent each day. This week you decided you didn't want to use the potty chair anymore or the insert. You also prefer not to use the step stool to get on the potty. Therefore it is a bit of a sport for you to get your leg up enough to lift your bum, hold onto the counter and shimmy up onto the pot. You have this smile ear to ear "I do it myself mommy". Yes, you are doing it all yourself Mackenzie.

You went to dance again today and truly seem to like it - which makes me happy. I can't wait to see you in the show, it will really make me happy to see you up there and I think you will enjoy it. In the summer we can try some other activities and sports so we make sure you have other things to keep you busy as well and that mommy doesn't direct you to the things that I am comfortable with but that you choose for you!


5 Teeth

We are at five teeth right now. They are coming in at a snails pace. Three on the bottom including the middle two. Two on the top - middle right and the one to right of that one.

Your smile has changed very much. It is much more gummy but you need to really look to see the teeth as they still haven't fallen yet.

You are a great baby. Your sleeping isn't that great - going to bed around 9 (sometimes with a nap after school and sometimes just becuase we want to snuggle you a little extra) and then waking by 6. They are transitioning you at school so you only have one nap now (most days). It is tough for you but it will be nice when both of you go to take a nap at the same time.

You continue to be a very happy and playful baby. You are getting around super fact by foot. Can go up and down the step in the playroom and are cruisng on the furniture. For toys you still really like your leap frog table and LOVE legos. You obviously aren't really building things but you race to them if they are out. Next in line would be blocks. You are also faciliated by remotes (like most kids).

We are convinced you are talking. You say things like Elmo, Dora, Baby, Kenzie, Hello - - strange since you don't make a conscious choice to say Mama or Dada yet - maybe we are hearing things but truly you make noises for Elmo, Dora, Baby, Kenzie, Hello that seem in line with those words and in the right context. Only time will tell I guess.

You are eating more table food now and so far so good. You are also switching to milk and we are planning to only send in one bottle to school and will give you a bottle before bed - otherwise you are prompted to sippie cups.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Bed time ritual

Last night, Nana and I picked up the girls, fed them, and put them to bed because Mommy was out of town, and Daddy was working late. The babies (JB and Cam) went down first, and Mac was very sweet and listening well as I was trying to get her to bed without any crying or screaming that would wake the kids.

"Let's go brush your teeth," I whispered

"Okay." she responded quietly. We put tooth gel on her brush and she brushed for about 30 seconds and then offered me the brush, "Your turn."

"My turn?" I took the brush and pretended to polish my pearly whites.

"No silly," Mac giggled, "You brush my teeth, TT."

"Oh." I was glad I was awake enough to not have actually put the brush in my mouth! It was a page out of Amelia Bedelia.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Toddler Talk

Jack not was there

Bandie (for band-aid)

Banda (for bandana)

Nola bar (for granola bar)

I'm naked girl! (just what she likes to be, her true identity)


Yesterday I felt a second tooth pop. If you are looking at you, it is the bottom one to the left. Then to the right a gap, and to the right again another tooth that appeared about a week ago. I have to think the one in the middle is coming soon. You are going to look even cuter with teeth, they seem to be like you, petite but adorable.

You are talking up a storm. At day care they are convinced you said apple "aaa ple". It sounds like it but it is more mimic that true word association. Today, Aunt Katy was convinced you said Sister.

We had a good day today helping TT and KT get their house ready to sell. The cousins played pretty well together. You rarely fussed, only when Jacob or Mackenzie took your toy away (well probabaly only 1/4 of the times they took it away). It won't be long before you are grabbing things away like the others!

You haven't been sleeping well lately. You go down between 7-8 and go to bed easily BUT then in the middle of the night you are waking up. It is as you within your "da" you are saying "hay, let's go play legos". It is a struggle for us especially because your sister isn't sleeping great either and you are beginnign to wake each other up on a daily basis.

We will hope for a full night of zzzzs tonight!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


You got your first tooth 3 days ago. You have been a bit fussy so we thought your teeth were finally coming. It is actually on the bottom not one of the center tooth but to the right of center. It is so petite, just like you.

Hopefully a few more will appear so you can be back to your old self again!

You also have begun a phase we call Mommy Mania. Not so much that it is just Mommy you desire but anyone that puts you down, even for a second you fuss. You really want all eyes on Cameron and I do not blame you one bit.

You and Mac play really well together. She looks out for you "No Cameron iron hot" and you smile and laugh when she attempts to tickle you. You tolerate her well and she is learning to share more and more each day.

Your voice and volume are changing everyday with more sounds and noises. I am half certain your first words were Elmo and Dora...well not really...but you will repeat those sounds even more than Mama and Dada. I can't wait for you and Mackenzie to talk to each other and see what you will call your sister.

You are already very interested in everything. Pointing and saying "Da?" as if to ask "What is that". You are also a bit of an adventurer (most of the time) but struggle with the step between the family room and kitchen as it hurts your knees. You will come up but it takes you a great deal of thinking as if you are contemplating "is this really worth it"

Love you,

Barack Obama

We have been listening to NPR a lot lately. Not sure if we are just aging quickly or perhaps I can blame it on the election but either way it is our reality.

The other morning we got into the car and the radio was on 90.5 WNPR. Mackenzie announces, "that guy is going to say Barack Obama".

Monday, August 11, 2008


Everytime I go to post I realize how time is flying by. For two weeks now you have been in your crib with the matteress down. When we first put you in there you were so smaller and just stared around like a girl in prison...looking and touching the bars that were previously hidden by the winnie the pooh bumper in your crib. Now, about two weeks later you move around in there are ALMOST pull yourself up to stand.

It has been 10 days since you officially crawled. You were moble before in your reach, move butt, shuffle, reach, dive forward, sit, move butt, shuffle act...but then Thursday night (10 days ago) you crawled. You aren't on all can tell your knees don't love are more of a wounded soldier (a term we use fondly to describe you method) on foot, dragging the other leg behind.

You are a little explorer, different from your sis, enjoying the feeling of sand on your feet, loving the touch of grass but also knowing a soft blanket is better than a rough rug any day of the week.

You continue to wave and give smiles to just about anyone who gives you attention. You have tons of sounds and test your vocal cords and your different volumes and noises often. You are still a conent baby and tolerate your sisters touching and poking pretty well. You always end up crying or squalking - but guess you need to get used to it now :-)

Dinner time is fun. You love yogurt and most baby food. But so far you are vegetarian. One night of meat (which you ate in record time), then a major vomit, and since then no meat. Aunt TT even made you baby food - fit enough for a queen with spices and rice and meat - you took one bite (well not even!), spit it back at me and wouldn't open your mouth again until morning. Guess I better brush up on my veggie skills for you and your sister.

Love you, Mom

Monday, July 28, 2008

Crib & Crawl

You have been in your crib with the lower matters for about 1 week and so far so good. The first time we put you in your grabbed the bars and pulled your head close, looking like a prisoners but loving every minute of it. It made me instantly think that you may be a girl that loves change...who knows :-)

You are eating well - starting people food slightly - a little pasta and rice yesterday. And Jacob will be sharing some chicken from Aunt Tracy tomorrow. But you seem to love everything so far but you like to eat quickly so we try to slow you down.

You are so close to crawling it is crazy...who knows maybe today will be your day. You slither back and get on all fours and you get around pretty good, lunging and then shimming and then lunging and then shimming. You can just about get anything you want but you aren't really yet crawling.

You are the bomb! I will miss you being little but can't wait for you to grow and change before our eyes.


Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A few sweet stories

We are deep into potty training (and when I say we I mean Nana). Over the course of 8 days we have only had 1 accident. You even make it through your afternoon nap dry. The biggest problem is that you hold it so long (especially #2) that I think you are giving yourself a tummy ache but you are really doing well and we are so proud of you. Now you are only in a diaper at night and so far so good!

- Today I was in the play room and you asked me to take off Cameron's shoes. Then you did this little piggy with Cam's feet. I couldn't catch all the words but I know "this little piggy went to market, this little piggy had oatmeal, this little piggy had roaf weaf and this little piggy went wee wee wee all the way..."

- I was making cookies tonight for a friend's son who was in an accident. I explained to you that I was making a treat for someone who had an accident. You asked "oh an accident, pee or poop?"

- Daddy has a sunburn today from the weekend in RI without sun screen. I was scratching it and we looked over and saw you lifting up Cam's shirt scrating it too. It was very sweet.

- At bed we were getting ready and I put a pull up on you "A pull up, it's kinda like underwear" was your response. After that I reminded you about our rule about bed that there is no wining, crying or fussing. You chimed back "no wining, no crying, no fussing, who wants to hear that". I think you may have got that one from Nana but AMEN!

Your vocab is increasing so much to be in line with normal conversation but I need to watch the things I say like "sure" "awesome" "like" which are becoming part of your everyday speech...certainly there are worse words but I should probabaly not teach you those so young!


Last week I was away for work and you were sick with a virus. To make matters more difficult Daddy hurt his back and therefore you were in Nana's capable hands all week. You had a temperature, were lathargic, you just weren't your happy self. You didn't sleep and you winced through the night according to Nana. I felt awful that I was not there to hold you and love you but I know you were in good hands. To top it off you also have a diaper rash which was or has become a yeast infection. You dealt with everyone wonderfully - - and are back in tip top shape this week.

You are definately more vocal everyday...laughing the most when you are playing with Mackenzie.

You will slither backwards but still no forward motion yet. You will roll (minimally) and go from back to tummy to sitting. You also sometimes will get onto all fours like you are just going to take off and crawl across the room but not yet.

You will pull yourself up with just one fingers worth of help and stand pretty well against the couch or a supportive toy.

You are still a great baby...requiring a bit more time and energy as you now squalk when we leave you for even a minute - but frankly I think that is a good thing for us - especially Mackenzie!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

June 2nd - Mackenzie

Last night was day two in your big girl toddler bed and after a few extra hugs and kisses you continued to handle the transition well. You are very flexible from changing rooms, to sharing your room, giving up your binkie, switch to a toddler bed - the potty is next.

You picked out a Dora bed, we compromised on Dora sheets with a white like to put your head right on Dora's (on the pillow).

You are amazing to watch - beautiful, smart, funny. You listen well (when you want) and understand everything.

A few funny stories:
- You have come to understand numbers a bit better...When I used to ask how many X do you would say one. This week you said five. One day last week you said you wanted two crackers so I took one out of the box and broke it in half. Your response "ok. but you brok that one."

Most days you play well with Cameron and I smile with pride at the interaction especially those you do not think I see [although you did bite her once...which we hope you don't repeat]. This morning I closed my eyes in the chair and Cam began to fuss said to Cam "Mom's sleeping Cam. It's alright."

You are afraid of the unknown including places and people and are not an animal lover...not yet anyway. It is almost as if at times you talk yourself down which is impressive for a two year old "it's ok. doggie just talking (to barking dog)."

About a week ago, Cameron was babbling in the car. You laughed and said "Cameron, what you saying". It was the cutest!

You have become a fussier eater or maybe just less into food. Most dinners you push more around than you eat, but you still love breakfast foods especially oatmeal, chese and yogurt.

Don't get me wrong you have your moments of fits and tantrums - - mostly in the evening and you test us a lot which causes tears and timouts but you are so loving.

We love you Mac Attack!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Mac - Training Cam?

We are trying to potty train you, but you aren't very interested.

Oh you get it. "Mommy I don't want to use the potty...I not done pooping...I need more time...Mommy you change my diaper..."

Yesterday I was frustrated that you didn't tell me you needed a diaper change because you have a rash and we are trying as hard as we can to keep you dry and clean to make it go away. So I said "Mackenzie, you had poop? Why didn't you tell me so I could change you?"

About an hour later I hear the following from the kitchen "Cameron you did poopie? Yuck. Why didn't you tell me. That not nice."

You are smart as a whip!

The new face of Cam

Tonight Cam, you looked so peaceful sleeping in your crib and so familiar...then I noticed it was because this was the first time I looked at you and saw features similar to Mac. Your face is filling out and you are growing longer and overnight you seem to have developed the Weber/Lewis combo that were used to see in your sister. I know you are your own person and I cannot wait to see you grow and change but tonight at least for a split second I was able to marvel at the similarities between you.

Chop Sticks - Mackenzie

Tonight we went to the playground after school. After about an hour a storm was about to break. I had brought dinner and thought it would be good to eat it at the park and enjoy the rain (from under cover) but once the thunder and lightening came. And a plate with BBQ spare ribs hit you in the head we figured it was time to head out.

So upon arrival home we continued our meal. When you saw others using chop sticks I opened ones for you. I had purchased them about a year ago when I saw them in a childrens' store in Watch Hill, RI. I thought to myself one day Mac (and our unborn Cameron) would want to use chop sticks but be too young.

Well tonight was the night!

You asked to use them and I pulled out the kid friendly ones I purchased (still with the $6.95 price tag on them). You tested them out a big - open/close - open/close - and then reached for your first bite of chicken. Between the sticks - lift to your mouth. YOU DID IT ON THE FIRST TRY. I was so proud of you.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Mackenzie Reading

Tonight you had your first "real" bath with your sister - Cameron was sitting up, with toys and splashing and everything. You shared your toys well in the tub but you get so excited around your sister that it is hard to control you. I tried to take pictures but you are not into the camera right now (which is really a bummer!)

You have been sleeping in a big girl bed for about a week now. It has prompted some struggles at bed time which is difficult for everyone. Almost every night there are tears and the process takes about 30 minutes. But one good thing is that you are brushing your teeth everynight and saying your prayers now too.

Tonight as we were reading "Max" (where the wild things are) for the 100th time you actually READ some of the pages. Before I could say some of the words you said them for me. You definately understood it and most pages you had it word for word. My mother had you "reading" the butterfly book at her house last week but it was smaller was so cute

Cameron on the move

Today you crawled!

Well frankly it was more of a backward slither but you were clearly moving your arms and legs and trying to move yourself. It was great to see it, especially since you still aren't into rolling over.

Tonight you had your first "real" bath with your sister - sitting up, with toys and splashing and everything. You grabbed for toys and enjoyed the splashing and even tolerated Mackenzie being a little loud and rough. She get so excited when she is playing with you it is hard for her to keep herself calm.

Tonight daddy had you "walking" all around the house, Mackenzie loved it. She kept saying "Cameron wants to walk more". We made you chase her and she just laughed and laughed.

You have moved onto fruits over the past few weeks and still enjoying everything you eat. Still eating about the same amount of food but you are growing well. Filling out your 6 month clothes.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Cameron Update

You are such a great little girl.

You are enjoying fruit this week with bananas being the first of many. So far you have enjoyed everything we have fed you but it didn't take long to know that you will over-eat if we let you.

You are sleeping good too. You and your sister aren't waking each other (most nights) which is really good and you will usually sleep until 6 (which is late for Mackenzie).

You are such a joy to be around. I still cannot go anywhere without being stopped for everyone to marvel at you and tell me how wonderful you are and how much you look like a perfect doll. You are my perfect doll (one of them at least).

Mackenzie loves you to pieces and when she is around you laugh from your belly this cute, adorable belly chuckle. She will run away from you and then run back...every time (whether 1 or 100 times) when she comes back to you, you smile and laugh. I love to watch that ~ my girls loving each other ~ it is the best!

Right now you are fitting into 6 month clothes - so you are still quite a peanut but growing quickly. You are starting to get engaged with your toys and seems to love music and rocking back and forth to any kind of rhythum. It seems you may be our adventure girl - - I can't wait to see if that is the case.

Love you Cammy -

So Much To Tell - Mac

A few quick updates:

Mackenzie, this week you moved into a big girl (toddler bed). You have Dora sheets and pillow and really are enjoying it. You now have stahl tactics when it is bed time but you do pretty well compared to other kids your age. One day this week you "fell" out of the bed (more woke up with your legs on the floor and body on the bed). You were scared but you went back to bed without incident.

You are so smart knowing most of your letters and getting concepts.

Tonight at dinner Nana didn't give you any pasta salad becuase you had other pasta. Your response to her was in question form "Nana, that adult?" You assumed since she didn't give you any that it was an adult food - we mostly use that for adult beverages like soda or alcohol but sometimes with food too.

One bad thing that happened was over the weekend you bit Cam. It was kinda tramatic - you left teeth marks and everything. I am not sure why you did it and you cried after seeing Cameron cry (even before I vocalized my frustration with you - which I did in a very calm way!). I am not sure if you were curious or what but I hope it doesn't happen again.

Lately you have become a little more adventerous at gym class - going into the pit and walking on the beam. You are still a little bit afraid of slides at the park but enjoy the swings. I love seeing you interact with other kids you are so shy around them and pensive - - but then once you are comfortable you are unstopable and slightly bossy :-)

I miss you this week as I am in CA with work, but I have been talking wiht you on the webcam in the mornings with is a nice treat. You like to talk and dance to the camera and blow kisses too.

I love you!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Spring is Here

I cannot remember being so anxious for spring. I think it is because of you - well you and your sister. I cannot wait for you to be outside and enjoying spring and summer and running and playing and exploring. I think it is just what you need to become a little more adventurious. You are such a great kid, but definately test your limits.

You are singing more songs every day and doing well with your ABCs. You are starting to really enjoy the "computer" you got for christmas and still enjoy reading and legos. You are also really getting into pretend and I am coordinating some dress up clothes for you which I hope you will enjoy.

We are starting to really encourage the potty now. You have a lot of false alarms but are starting to get better with making en effort to use the potty.

Love you,

Peas and Sweet Potatoes

Time is flying by. You have enjoyed rice cereal, oatmeal cereal, peas and now sweet potato. You are a great eater and although you didn't love the peas at first you warmed up to them. You eat quickly and don't make too much of a mess. You have an open mouth even before I have loaded up the spoon for another serving.

You are all smiles to everyone and everything! You are interacting with your toys and we are anxiously awaiting teeth. You aren't sleeping as well as you once did, last night you were up about 4 times which is a challenge.

You are doing great at school and making so many new noises. You are practicing your Ms, Ds, Ps, won't be long before there is a mama and dada. We have actually already heard words that sound like them but it isn't yet intentional.

We love you Cam!
Mommy & Daddy

Friday, April 18, 2008

Swaddle's Back - Cameron

Well after a few days of hard night sleeps (up 3 times for adjustments and binkie refills) we have decided to go back to the swaddle. I will ask the Dr. next week if we should stop but most of what I have read and exchanged with friends indicates that YOU will dictate when we are done.

While I am confident you would not want to be swaddled during the day - you do not seem to mind it at night. You resist getting bundled up, but once inside you snuggle in for an 11 hour nap.

You are at your first week of eating. It took you the first couple days to really get used to it. The first couple times you just pushed it back out of your mouth but the last few nights you have really enjoyed it. Mac is taking an active role both in wanting to feed you (which she does very well and quite cautiously for a 2 year old) and also wanting me to feed her which is very normal. Last night you just about finished your entire helping of cereal and your 6 oz bottle. In the mornings we have started giving you 8 ounces which you ALMOST finish but the rest of the day you are still content to drink your 6 ounces.

We are looking forward to baby oatmeal next week!


Say Goodbye to Big Green (Mac)

So, it's Friday.
Sunday we decided it was time to let the binkie go. We let Mac have her binkie Sunday night with a slit in the top so it "wasn't working". On Monday we sent in the defective binkie to school with her. When I called to check on her they said "Oh she doesn't use the binkie here - - we thought we told you" UM NO I AM CONFIDENT WE WOULD HAVE REMEMBERED THAT DISCUSSION.

Anyway for weeks you hadn't been your bink at school but continued to whine for it at home. So beginning Monday night no bink! Monday you cried for a bit - maybe 10 minutes - but more of a whine than a cry. When you got up Tuesday I gave you a Bert mini (small stuffed animal) as a treat. Tuesday night you asked for the bink and I said that big girls didn't need binkies and that when you woke up there would be a treat for you. You didn't even fuss, you went to sleep. In the morning we gave you the Ernie mini and you were very happy. Then Wednesay and Thursday were no problem! You definately haven't been putting yourself back to sleep in the mornings so our wake-ups are even earlier now but it is worth it.

The hardest part is in the car - but you are doing great - we are so proud of our big girl!!!

Mom & Dad

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Bye Bye Swaddle (cam)

Well after a couple good night sleeps and a couple rough ones I think the swaddle time is over. I went kicking and screaming as I wanted to keep you bundled for as long as possible - but your dad thought it was best.

You didn't ever even need the large size swaddle we bought - - we used it for ease and due to laundry constraints - - but you barely filled out the medium :-)

We love you Camilicious!


Binkie Withdrawl - It's not working (mac)

Tonight is the first night that you aren't getting comfort from your binkie. Or at least that is what I think...

For a while now you have only had your pacifier or binkie as we call it at night and in the car. For the most part I liked the idea of it especially with the birth of your sister it seemed that I could not have you give up the bink as your sister enjoyed hers and it would just create a conflict that wasn't necessary.

However, lately you have begun to crave the binkie beyond bed and car and become very winey about it. It is a struggle because your green soothie binkie - provided by St. Raphel's hospital - and sold at Target (thank god) is your only "security blanket". We alternated blankets and animals so you weren't/aren't attached to those in the same way. Your binkie is your thing.

I wasn't sure I had the heart to just cut you off cold turkey. Having you be upset and knowing I could sooth you with just a binkie would be hard for me not to I bought two new strong sturdy binkies and cut a little slit in the top - - which over time will go bigger as necessary (sigh).

When I gave you the binkie at bed tonight you said - "it's not working" You asked for a second one (I was ready for that - I had a second one ready for my smartie-pants). "What's that" "It's not working" were what you said as you alternated between them. Then you requested we look around the house for more binkies...which we did...but we only had the 2. I told you that as you get to be bigger you don't really need binkies and that is why they probably seemed different - it seemed like you knew I was fibbing to you.

I hope the transition isn't too bad.

So far you have been in your crib for about 10 minutes. You cried and asked for some milk, which I provided and not another maybe this will be easier than I thought...time will tell...


Good Glorious Food...(cam)

On Friday, your 6 month birthday we fed you rice cereal for the first time. We had quite an audience or Nana, Grandma Bella, Jacob, Mackenzie, Daddy & Mommy but you did well. You weren't quite sure what to do and you didn't really open up wide enough to give you too much but I think you liked it and smiled a lot.

We are really looking forward to watching you grow and change over the coming months including more robust dinners together as a family!

Love you - Mommy

Friday, April 11, 2008

The Pretenders - Mackenzie

A couple days ago, you asked if you could blow bubbles. Ever since our visit to FL in February you have loved bubbles. It didn't take you long to mater the concept (and you don't eat the bubble mix thank god becuase that is just gross) but you did spill a lot!

when you asked to blow bubbles we were eating dinner, so I said "no". You asked a second time. My response was that bubbles were for outside and we were eating dinner but we could pretend if you wanted.

Pretending is the coolest! This was the first time I saw you pretend with nothing. I mean sure you had the wand and the empty cup full of secret bubble potion but you were blowing "them" and catching them and pointing me to where they were so I could pop them - - it showed me how grown up you are really becoming.

...and I didn't have a bubble mess to clean :-0

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

My Words Recycled - Mackenzie

You haven't been feeling yourself over the last couple days. A little more needy and winey than usual - so we have been giving into your requests a bit more over the past few days.

It is funny when you talk to me and recycle the things I say to you back at me. Nine times out of ten they are in the right context which is impressive.

Today you wanted to play in the sink on your step stool - no surprise. You kept asking me to turn on the water and so I would keep it running at just a drip which seemed to satisfy you as well as that one strand of green in my body that is worried about water waste. Then after a while I shut it off.

You weren't happy "water...water mommy...wwwwaaatttteeerrr...please...mommy just a little bit" Guess you understand that concept

You were playing with your dora bubble maker - you were feeding her (the face of the bubble wand is dora) cheerios and then she slipped out of your hands. "You be good" then dora slipped again and her face was looking away from Mac "Look at me. you said" Guess you got that one too


Friday, April 4, 2008

An expensive hobby - Mackenzie

"She is pretty. She has shoes on. Her hair is pretty. I give her kiss. You give her kiss mommy, daddy, cameron" [said to doll as you walked to each of us and had us kiss her]

"I need to change her" [said to me with pointed finger referring to her baby doll] "she has a poop"

[diaper bag opens]
[diaper and wipes removed]
[blue bag for diaper removal taken out of bag]

"Adults" [referring to the fact that the blue bags are for adults - guess I have said that enough - say choking hazard with me. I respond with a nod as if to say yes those are just for adults]

"I just need one"

4 minutes later (and one emptied dishwasher later) four dolls are diapered...well sorta diapered.

Good work Mackenzie!

Swaddle No More - Cameron

You are just about ready to be done with your swaddle (something your cousin Jake did away with months ago!)...but I am not ready to give in. Instead, I let you fall asleep and then swaddle you so you don't really realize what is going on - - yes I know "bad mommy" but it is for your [and our] benefit. If you aren't swaddled you will wake up a lot more often at night which won't allow you [or us] to sleep through the night which you [we] have come to respect and apprecaite. :-)

I know the swaddle is on its way out - but I will keep you bundled for a little while longer


Thursday, April 3, 2008

2 year check up - Mac

You had a good check up yesterday with Dr. Dorfman. The finger pinch was the worst and you cried for both that and the shot but you were a trooper. You are at the 50% mark for height and weight and the Dr. thoguht you were pretty advanced in terms of language and colors and shapes and letters (like we didn't know that...)

Let me see that tootsie roll - Cameron

We have lift down really. You are now rolling but from your tummy to your back - - still no sighting from your back to your tummy!

You are also doing baby crunches like a champ.

One more week and you will be eating solid foods.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Dimple Sighting - Cameron

This weekend we saw it for the first time - a dimple on your right side!

It doesn't show up for just the average smile or laugh it needs to be something bigger, something better, something DIMPLE WORTHY.

You were super cute without the dimple but I love it and I love when we make you laugh or smile big enough to see the dimple.


Friday, March 28, 2008

His Daddy Coming - Mackenzie

Last night I took my girls to dinner (Mexican). There was a sun on the wall, which was painted in a somber face and looked like it may have been crying. Mackenzie, you were fixated on this sun. You didn't want to look at it but you couldn't take your eyes off it. You kept focused on the fact that the sun was sad "sun sad mommy" "me no like". Then you said to me 1/2 as a statement and 1/2 as a question "his mommy coming?...his daddy coming?". I didn't know how to respond. You had such compassion for this thing and were so concerned but at the same time you were hopeful that his mom & dad would come.

I am not sure what I should take from that...should I imply you are sad when you aren't with mommy & daddy or should I take that mommy & daddy can heal all wounds. I will believe the later, because I think it is best for both of us.

I tried to assure you that he was not sad, that it looked that way but he wasn't sad. You didn't seem to buy it and even asked about him again before bed time. Guess I have a very emotion girl on our hands.


P.S. Yesterday you also held out your hand (in an adult like shung but with your hands cupped as if you were holding water in them) and said "I gotta go get a haircut, ok? Then I get a treat, ok?" Looks like snip-its has a customer for life!

Houston We Have Progress - Cameron

Last night you sat up on her own for the first time. Granted you was a bit hunched over but still it was so adorable and you looked so proud of herself.

Yesterday you also...found your feet.

Babies do things at such different times, and adults never know why. Seems to us you are just content to enjoy the scenery, especially your sister. Finding your feet was something Mackenzie did quickly but why would you be looking to play with your feet when you are continually being asked to hold legos and roll the giggle ball with your sister.

Guess the rolls won't be far now...

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Mac - Mom, Play Legos?

I escaped work in Boston early yesterday and came to the front door to surprise everyone. Cameron was playing in her seat, you answered the door with Daddy. You yelled - Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmooooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

Then, a second later you said "Mom, you play legos?" We played legos and match game and read books for the next 90 minutes. We tickeled Cameron and had her hold toys and watched as she almost rolled over many many many times and you asked if you could help her (we said she didn't need help that she would roll when it was time). You even put your mouth on her belly and made that noise that we make (I don't know what it was called).

Not sure what it was about that 90 minutes. Maybe the fact that it was unexpected or uninterupted or that everyone was in such a good mood or that I wasn't trying to get anything else done (as my intetion of leaving work early was to see Daddy and my girls) but it was the best 90 minutes I have had in a long time!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Talk Radio - Mac

You enjoy the radio and listening to CDs in the house and in the car. Sometimes when I am playing my top 40 hits you say "I don't like that"..."Old MacDonald" but this morning you Dad was controlling the radio and therefore it was on talk radio. You came into our room and looked around. It didn't seem strange at the time but you were scowering the room more than usual. Then came up to me and said "Mommy, who talking". It was really cute.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Cameron - Our little sunshine

Today was Easter and Mackenzie's 2nd birthday. We had a wonderful day (weekend really) with the family and with our girls.

Cam, you are a wonderful baby with a great disposition! You are easy to travel with, easy to hold, easy to snuggle, easy to love, just all around easy going. This is a great thing as your sister is quite a character and always looking to be the center of attention. It seems the only person she doesn't mind sharing the lime-light with is you and we couldn't be happier about that!

You are such a content baby. You love being held or just lying down on the mat. Today especially with all the excitment of the day you just chilled out - we only heard you upset when you needed a diaper change or a bottle. You smile the largest when Mackenzie is around and I try not to worry that she will be too rough with you - she loves "tickeling you" and kissing you and giving you the binkie and covering you with blankets - she really tries her best to be your second mommy.

Right now you are still learning to explore. You are drinking 6 ounce bottles every 3 hours. You were sick last week and it definately decreased the amount you were drinking and eating so we are hoping that will increase to 8 ounces soon. [only a few more weeks until we start you on foods - we are going to start on April 11th as a mini celebration of your 6 month birthday] You pull objects toward you and enjoy anything above your head including your swing, mobile, bouncer seat. You really like the bouncer seat with the fish and the bubbles - I remember Mac liking it also - you will just giggle at it which is very cute.

You are starting to cross your fingers and get your hands to touch each other and you will move objects from one hand to the other but it doesn't seem to be intentional yet. Probably your best "trick" is just your ability to "talk". When someone is eye to eye with you, you love to talk back and forth. You are a behind the scenes kind of girl - you don't make much noise when it is loud or when others are talking - - but at night after Mac has gone to bed you get louder and enjoy the one on one time with Mommy and Daddy.

I love you Cameron. I know the next 6 months will have even more fun times and changes than the first 6 months. You will likely roll over, crawl, stand and maybe even walk within the next 6 months as well as get introduced to all types of food. I feel so lucky to have you in my life. I love you!


Mackenzie - I'll be Two!

Today was Easter Sunday but just as importantly it was Mackenzie's 2nd birthday. It was a great day (other than the fact that I had to take a defensive driver class online!).

It is unbelieveable that two years has flown by but at the same time it is hard for us to remember our lives without you. You are an amazing little girl; very personable, very loving, very smart, you are the apple of everyone's eye. And you have warmed up to your sister and to your cousin so well and so quickly - - it is impressive. Even though it is possible that Cam and Jacob may have a bond due to their closeness in age I think they will follow you around for years to come.

Just recently we were with friends who do not yet have children (and maybe never will). The man said to his wife "if you could promise me one like Mackenzie I would definatey have kids." It was a strange thing to hear but I know it was an extreme compliment. You are captivating, you like attention, like to smile, like to talk and carry on a conversation, like to play and tease and wrestle, you understanding jokes and "know the rules" - even when you don't always follow them.

Right now you are talking up a storm - more than most kids your age. You make full sentences and count to 13 and know your colors. You remember "trained answers" like who is running for president, or where is FL on a map. You understand (slightly) boy vs. girl. You know a lot of letters and remember everyone's name. But your desire to do the dog and pony show varries and I completely understand why and accept it fully. We "test" you partially to show you off but frankly mostly to keep teaching you and to keep you learning and to have you slowly understand that putting on a show is part of life and it can be fun and entertaining for everyone :-)

You are getting better with self play even over the last week or two. You really enjoy "pretending" lately. You grab a bag (purse) put it over your shoulder and say bye-bye. Usually you say you are going to the store. Sometimes you are going to school or Nana's/Papa's. You really like playing in your kitchen set, you love legos and still get good miledge out of your puzzles, the match game and your baby doll.

Your memory is amazing. You do not get easily distracted about promises we make to keep you at bay - which can be a bit difficult.

Other than getting your diaper changed (which you resite about 50% of the time) you really don't resist too much. You easily take baths, take naps (usually), go to bed (after a little struggle a few months back), have your nose wiped (we call them bubbles), get your face washed, etc.

Lately you really want to HELP in the kitchen. I really love it! But it does make the work take a bit longer and clean up a bear. The hardest part is that you really want to be on the step stool to help which is not as safe as I would like but I am trying to be ok with it becuase I know it is part of your growing.

In terms of eating you have gotten a little fussier but you are still pretty good. You like some veggies (brocolli, asparagus) and love starches (pasta, potatoes). You don't love meat but you will always try seems like maybe a texture thing for you. You really enjoy beans and fruit and your absolute favorites are goldfish and ice cream. We try to give those to you on a limited basis...

Your birthday party was yesterday...we had about 30 people at the house to celebrate including: Grandma Bella, Nana, Papa, Grandpa Bill, Grandma Jane, Aunt Tracy, Aunt Katy, Uncle Scott, Aunt Michelle, Uncle Ernie, Aunt Suzanne, Zach, Hayley, Celeste, Paul, Lydia, Jessica, Mike, Jack, Liam, Sue, Joel, Ryan, Zachary, The Irwins (our neighbors) Don, Kelley, Kyle, Sienna, Rana (mommy's cousin) Rhia, Kree, Tess, Andrea (mommy's cousin), Kenny, Jonathon, Joshua. It was an Elmo theme and we (Tracy, Nana and I) spent a while making the cake and preparing for the day! You enjoyed the cake, blew out your candles like a champ and did pretty well in terms of opening gifts and not having any melt-downs!

Today for Easter you decorated eggs for the first time and although you were not interested in taking pictures with anyone you looked adorable in your dress which was coordianted with Cameron. You did well in church walking between Grandma Bella and Nana but liked the singing and wanted to clap after each song (which was very cute).

Happy Easter to my little potato (my new nickname for you - peanut, peanut butter were some other recent ones).

Mommy Teri Weber

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Like Mother Like Daughter

Nana & Papa tell me that when I was a little girl I used to wait at the top of the stairs for Papa to come home. He would come in and walk toward me for a kiss and hug hello but when he was just about to reach out I would run away laughing and screaming.

Last night after being away from the house for about 36 hours during which an unexpected overnight in Boston occured (without change on clothes) as well as a traffic back-up which caused it to take over 6 hours for me to get into the city you greeted me with a delighted "Mommy!" When I was about a foot away, on my knees waiting for my hugs you vanished down the hall with a smile and a laugh.

It was a bit difficult but I am glad you are independent and fun loving!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Things Mac is teaching Cameron

How to hold toys

How legos work "You put it on top here Cam"

Her name "Camilicious"

Letters (when we play with our fridge magnets)

To cover her mouth when she coughs

To clap her hands

Tickle torture

Some things Mac knows

Where planet earth is on the map.

Where CA (Maddy, Molly & Mason), FL (Grandma Bella), CT (us), and MA (my work) are on the map.

All your primary colors.

The basic shapes.

Songs - tons of songs like wheels on the bus, abc, spider, jingle bells, old macdonald...

Every child and parent (CC's mommy) at day care.

Is my daughter smarter than me

The things I do as a parent, as your mom are things I would have sworn I would never do [although side note there are a few things I said I would never do and I actually do not do like stick my finger in your diaper - - to the folks that do that - - is changing a diaper really that difficult that you are willing to risk it :-)] like smell your bum [although not typically in public] to determine if a diaper change is really warranted.

Tonight I smelled you coming from a mile away and said Mackenzie did you poop as we are trying to re-inforce the concept of the potty and using the potty although you aren't really ready to be trained. "No" was your response and when I said I smelled something you said "Cameron pooped". I thought to myself the blame game as already started.

We headed upstairs and when I changed you I realized you hadn't pooped, it was Cameron!


Friday, March 14, 2008

Big Truck

In October (mac was about 18 months old) we tried a death defying act of meeting my father on the road with his "big truck". It was a bit of a scary experience. Me a few days post C-section. My sister driving my car with Mac and Cam in the back.

So let's paint the picture...My father on the side of 84 in his 18 wheeler. Us in my mini Honda Accord. Calling each other so we can cross paths on the highway and have Mackenzie see Papa in his big truck! Needless to say I didn't really think Mackenzie GOT IT as she kinda waved but clearly could not see my father - even as I stratteld between the front and back seat to show her my father in the truck. She waved but I am not sure she really got it.

A couple days later we were in a parking lot. In pulls a Dunkin Donut truck and she looks at me with excitment and says "Papa!" as if to imply every truck was driven by HER PAPA - guess she understood more than I thought.

Now, about 6 months later she has still held on to that memory. Whenever we see a "big truck" she says. "Truck, like Papa's truck" It really is baby steps - - but her brain is just always working.

Can I get a Roll Over...please?

We are all on roll over watch. Not that I can't wait for Cam to be mobil - I can - but because we really want to witness the first (or what we think is the first...or second). I would have sworn that she rolled over in FL but I guess not since it has been a while since then and no more rolls.

Anyway as we watch for a roll, Mackenzie keeps us "guys" on our toes.

Mac now refers to us as guys - all the time. "Hey guys, I want cheerios...k?"

Monday, March 10, 2008

Mommy's Turn

I took a shower first this morning - it is Monday (mommy's Boston day) - but I was running a bit behind as I usually leave before the kids are awake.

When Bill got in the shower, Mackenzie walked into the bathroom.

"It's Mommy's Turn...ok?"
"Mommy already took a shower"
"Huh. Ok. After, then it's Mommy's Turn...ok?"

The way she added ok at the end of her comments as if partially asking a question but really one that didn't need an answer. Clearly she understands sharing - good. Clearly she doesn't understand that I was clean and didn't need another shower - bad.

It was an opportunity to teach her sharing and taking turns, an opportunity to let her know that sometimes you don't need another turn. It was an opportunity to just say ok, give her a kiss, and leave without confrontation. Hell, it was only 6 a.m. so I took the easy way out :-)

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Honey etc.

Over the past five months I have come to appreciate what everyone says about the second child. Sure they say it in jest...but it is true that with the second you do not have the same amount of time and attention to devote to every smile and giggle and funny face. But I know first hand that the second child is better for being the second and having an older sister to light the path.

For the second, for Cameron, it isn't that you love them less - in many ways you may be able to "love" them more because you aren't overwhelmed with all the newness but sometimes Cameron who is doing miraculous things like finding her binkie and bringing it to her mouth (likely 50% intentional) and smiling at the sight of another face yet it often takes a back seat since Mackenzie is bursting with creative juices and putting so many thoughts together.

Example 1: This morning Cameron vocalized her frustration when her mobile stopped which is an achievement and a half (and the first time I noticed her doing this). A few minutes later I asked Mackenzie Bill's name. She said "Daddy" and I asked what his other name was (to which she usually replies - Bill) and her response was "Honey". [Yesterday Mackenzie said that Cameron's name was "Camilicous" which we call her often]

Example 2: Cameron finished her first 8 oz bottle today. We had offered her 8 ounces before but she never finished them so it was a bit monumental. At the time Mackenzie was in potty training mode and therefore naked. Just before I fed Cam, Mac asked if she could use the step stool so after the momumental 8 oz bottle I walked over to a very wet Mackenzie. I said to her "Mackenzie did you pee" to which she replied "Guys I don't pee" and she was right the wetness was just from playing in the sink.

Example 3: Prompted by Jacob's use of the jumper we dusted off the baby einstein for Cameron today. She sat in it for the first time and although her feet would hit the floor - they were just a little shy as she doesn't extend them the whole way. We decided it would still be good for her to use but just not to leave her in for long. As Cam was sitting in the exersaucer Mackenzie brought over two rings piled on top of each other to Cameron. And said "Here Cam, Sandwich"

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Mac & Cam -
This week I am traveling for work, the longest trip away since Cameron was born. Today was actually a low key, nice day. I had an early morning wake-up call but other than that I have been working from the hotel and even tooka long walk which in addition to reminding me how awful the New England weather really is made me miss you girls even more.

I saw so many kids on my walk today and each of them made me think about you - the stages we have already passed, the stages we are in now, the stages that are about to come. In addition to the people there were also some adorable kid shops with so many things that I almost bought but I think $45 for a child's T-shirt is crazy even when you are feeling homesick for your girls!

You are both on my mind always - and frankly it leaves me conflicted on a daily basis. I hope one day you tell me in words or action that you are proud of my choices including my choice to work (it seems strange to admit that I need you to be proud of me in much the same way that you will crave that same response from me) but it's hard to know now if you will really feel that way. I want you to know through my actions that you can do anything and that having independence including a sense of pride in your work (whatever the job) but also a feeling of financial independence is critical for everyone and especially women.

I know you (Mackenzie) ask for me when I am gone and we talk on the phone but does she worry for a second that I won't come back? I hope not but I cannot be sure - as she still asks for GiGi (who passed away in December) about once a week. Every time she asks it is sad and we talk about the fact that GiGi is in heaven and we will not see her for a long time. I also add that it is ok to miss her and to talk about her (which I know is over your head - and my head too) but I want to find the best words not only for today but words that I can use for days and months and years to come. But perhaps even more sad that her asking for GiGi is knowing that one day she will stop asking and never ask again.

OK Back to reality...Tonight on the phone you asked "Mommy, you coming?". I replied that I was in AZ and asked if she remembered it from the map (which I know she didn't) as I was trying to create a diversion for both of us. Then I did my usual "Mackenzie can you give Cameron a kiss from Mommy" and "Cameron can you give Mackenzie a kiss from Mommy". Guess those kisses from each other will need to last for a few more days but I cannot remember craving a weekend more than this weekend!


Monday, March 3, 2008

Hey, that bottle's in my way...

I fed Cameron, as I rarely do, at the dinner table. Usually Cam is sleeping from our ride back from Changing Seasons so we let her rest while we eat and then we have play time together with both the girls. Today she didn't want to snooze on the way home so she sat in the highchair (which was very comical as it is so big for her) for a little bit and then I decided to feed her while Mackenzie ate. For Cameron the meal was a battle of hunger vs. curiousity. She wanted to eat, no she wanted to see her sister, the bottle tasted good but Mackenzie was there doing funny things and craving Cameron's attention. With every shurg and movement of her head and chin and hand she was saying - Hey Mom, this bottle is in my way. After 1/2 of it we decided she would wait until after dinner to enjoy her snack which worked much better.

As for Mackenzie tonight she used a red cup without a top and drank about 4 ounces from it without any help and only spilling a few drops. She does really good but when she gets excited she almost forgets what she is doing from the time she puts the cup to her mouth to the time the liquid gets to her mouth - - heck put me in front of General Hospital and I can get sidetracked just as quickly.

Cameron enjoys this toy you sit under and she can kick at it to play music. Tonight Mackenzie asked me to put her under the toy in the same fashion - so I moved Cameron and did just that. But she didn't want me to move Cameron, she motioned to the blanket and said "Cameron here". She wanted to lie next to her and have them both kick at the toy. It was very sweet. If Mackenzie's tenderness toward Cameron is any indication as to how she will be as an adult or as a mother one day I have definately done the world a favor by giving birth to her.

Last note of the day. Folks tell me Mackenzie is smart on a daily basis. I know she is smart but I chalk most of it up the fact that she is a pleaser (most days) and therefore likes the attention of learning colors and numbers and counting and singing and all of that. They have told me at school that she is the "smartest" one in her class and her class is full of kids that will be 3 in a few months and she will be 2 this month. But tonight she actually showed me that she knew the following letters M (for mackenzie), C (for Cameron), J (for Jacob), T (for Teri), D (for Daddy), P (for Papa), N (for Nana), K (for Katy), B (for Bella), H (for Hayley), O (just O), and Q (just Q). Sure we had been talking about letters and I decided to do the word association with people as I thought that would be more meaningful to her but it seems overnight we went from knowing 2 letters to 1/2 of the ABCs. You go girl!!

Mac 3/3/08

In the tub this morning Mac just started pounding her hands on the tub bottom then one clap then push one hand forward with a conclusion of "ten little indian children". It was the cutest thing ever because I know the song she was singing - although not perfectly - and she had so much of it accurate it was CRAZY for a 23 month old.

I also tripped a bit while I was getting her organized and dressed this morning. To which she commented "Mommy, be careful. OK?" Wonder who she is mimicing - ME.

God I just love them to pieces!