Thursday, October 2, 2008

Kissing cousins

This week, they put the kids in the one year old room. It would have been traumatic for Jake's mommies if Cameron had not gone in there with him. There are all these new rules about sleeping and eating and wearing shoes... At home, Jake is a little bit of a mess. Twice, he's going to bed before 7pm which makes me very sad b/c it means I am seeing him less than an hour at night and about 1.5 hours in the morning (which is not my best time of the day.)

Yesterday, I brought Jake to day care and he saw Cam for the first time in 2 days (His grannies have been in town watching him at home since his birthday.) Well, Cammie saw me and started crawling at break-neck pace. And Jake started crawling towards her as well. I was nervous that when they met each other he might swat at her or something because he's been a little rambunctious lately. But, when they met up, they both sat up, faced each other and clapped. Then they put their foreheads together and each put their hands on the cheeks of the other. I had to turn away to keep from weeping. It might have been the sweetest thing I have ever seen.

Then, quite unable to drive away at that moment, I stalled by going into the 2 year old room to see Mac. She dropped her spoon and RAN to give me the biggest hug. And the hundreds of hours of driving I've done to put this kid in day care with his cousins is instantly some of the best time I've spent.

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