Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A few sweet stories

We are deep into potty training (and when I say we I mean Nana). Over the course of 8 days we have only had 1 accident. You even make it through your afternoon nap dry. The biggest problem is that you hold it so long (especially #2) that I think you are giving yourself a tummy ache but you are really doing well and we are so proud of you. Now you are only in a diaper at night and so far so good!

- Today I was in the play room and you asked me to take off Cameron's shoes. Then you did this little piggy with Cam's feet. I couldn't catch all the words but I know "this little piggy went to market, this little piggy had oatmeal, this little piggy had roaf weaf and this little piggy went wee wee wee all the way..."

- I was making cookies tonight for a friend's son who was in an accident. I explained to you that I was making a treat for someone who had an accident. You asked "oh an accident, pee or poop?"

- Daddy has a sunburn today from the weekend in RI without sun screen. I was scratching it and we looked over and saw you lifting up Cam's shirt scrating it too. It was very sweet.

- At bed we were getting ready and I put a pull up on you "A pull up, it's kinda like underwear" was your response. After that I reminded you about our rule about bed that there is no wining, crying or fussing. You chimed back "no wining, no crying, no fussing, who wants to hear that". I think you may have got that one from Nana but AMEN!

Your vocab is increasing so much to be in line with normal conversation but I need to watch the things I say like "sure" "awesome" "like" which are becoming part of your everyday speech...certainly there are worse words but I should probabaly not teach you those so young!

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