Friday, April 18, 2008

Say Goodbye to Big Green (Mac)

So, it's Friday.
Sunday we decided it was time to let the binkie go. We let Mac have her binkie Sunday night with a slit in the top so it "wasn't working". On Monday we sent in the defective binkie to school with her. When I called to check on her they said "Oh she doesn't use the binkie here - - we thought we told you" UM NO I AM CONFIDENT WE WOULD HAVE REMEMBERED THAT DISCUSSION.

Anyway for weeks you hadn't been your bink at school but continued to whine for it at home. So beginning Monday night no bink! Monday you cried for a bit - maybe 10 minutes - but more of a whine than a cry. When you got up Tuesday I gave you a Bert mini (small stuffed animal) as a treat. Tuesday night you asked for the bink and I said that big girls didn't need binkies and that when you woke up there would be a treat for you. You didn't even fuss, you went to sleep. In the morning we gave you the Ernie mini and you were very happy. Then Wednesay and Thursday were no problem! You definately haven't been putting yourself back to sleep in the mornings so our wake-ups are even earlier now but it is worth it.

The hardest part is in the car - but you are doing great - we are so proud of our big girl!!!

Mom & Dad

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