Monday, March 17, 2008

Is my daughter smarter than me

The things I do as a parent, as your mom are things I would have sworn I would never do [although side note there are a few things I said I would never do and I actually do not do like stick my finger in your diaper - - to the folks that do that - - is changing a diaper really that difficult that you are willing to risk it :-)] like smell your bum [although not typically in public] to determine if a diaper change is really warranted.

Tonight I smelled you coming from a mile away and said Mackenzie did you poop as we are trying to re-inforce the concept of the potty and using the potty although you aren't really ready to be trained. "No" was your response and when I said I smelled something you said "Cameron pooped". I thought to myself the blame game as already started.

We headed upstairs and when I changed you I realized you hadn't pooped, it was Cameron!


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