cream in hair
play with cam
Friday, May 15, 2009
Chatter Box
You are such a chatterbox these days...I love it!!!
You out-talk everyone at day care...they are so impressived with you!!
Last week at day care, you rattled off the months of the year because the 2 year olds were learning them. Everyone at school told us about it mutliple times, they took so much pride in your accomplishment.
Today you went on the potty for the first time by your own accord. I have previously put you on the potty or "held" you there and we have had success...but today, I took your diaper off in the morning and then about 30 minutes later asked if you needed to go said yes...went on the potty and then peed. I was PUMPED!!!
I went to day care today to spend some time with you. It was so nice, you kept saying "my mommy" while you were tapping your hand to your chest. We were counting, past 10 but not quite to 20. You were quite a show off :-)
You and Mackenzie play together so well sometimes (and other times not well at all). You love to wrestle with her...we have finally taught her to grab your belly vs. you neck. You try to be very independent and don't have too much fear yet...but you do not seem to link animals.
You are such a chatterbox these days...I love it!!!
You out-talk everyone at day care...they are so impressived with you!!
Last week at day care, you rattled off the months of the year because the 2 year olds were learning them. Everyone at school told us about it mutliple times, they took so much pride in your accomplishment.
Today you went on the potty for the first time by your own accord. I have previously put you on the potty or "held" you there and we have had success...but today, I took your diaper off in the morning and then about 30 minutes later asked if you needed to go said yes...went on the potty and then peed. I was PUMPED!!!
I went to day care today to spend some time with you. It was so nice, you kept saying "my mommy" while you were tapping your hand to your chest. We were counting, past 10 but not quite to 20. You were quite a show off :-)
You and Mackenzie play together so well sometimes (and other times not well at all). You love to wrestle with her...we have finally taught her to grab your belly vs. you neck. You try to be very independent and don't have too much fear yet...but you do not seem to link animals.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Times are Flying By
Mackenzie girl.
You are now three and with that has come some major changes in our house. Overnight you have become a princess that wants to wear dresses non-stop. One day being forced to wear pants you pleeded/cried "this is not what a princess would wear"
dress up in the morning
walking into our room
birthday party
cam words - siunging - happy birthday - names and sentences
touch - stage in the family room
no no while in time out not nice
You are now three and with that has come some major changes in our house. Overnight you have become a princess that wants to wear dresses non-stop. One day being forced to wear pants you pleeded/cried "this is not what a princess would wear"
dress up in the morning
walking into our room
birthday party
cam words - siunging - happy birthday - names and sentences
touch - stage in the family room
no no while in time out not nice
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Pony rides??? We don't need no stinkin' pony rides...
We took the kids to a party for Kree yesterday. It was pretty fun. I am about to go overboard with some photos, but it is as efficient of a way I can think of to get web some of the photos. Since she was away for work...

There was pizza and snow cones.

There were automated cars that sisters got to cruise around in.

Jake played the "in and out of the car" game for about 25 minutes:

There was a pony for the b-day girl and all her friends...

That our kids wanted nothing to do with:

Jake got the closest of the 3 of them; and when i tried to put him on the saddle, he crossed his legs and lifted them higher than his head... I got him out of there before his screeching scared the pony...

Most of the other kids all had a turn:

Cam got very worried when the pony headed back towards her:

See Mac's finger in her mouth? She was VERY distressed that the pony had to wear a hat:

She kept asking: "He has to have a HAT on?"

I tried to get some glamor shots of Mac-Attack and the convertible:

And then she took her cousin for a ride:

They got muddy and it was a super fun party!!!
That's all I'm saying.
There was pizza and snow cones.
There were automated cars that sisters got to cruise around in.
Jake played the "in and out of the car" game for about 25 minutes:
There was a pony for the b-day girl and all her friends...
That our kids wanted nothing to do with:
Jake got the closest of the 3 of them; and when i tried to put him on the saddle, he crossed his legs and lifted them higher than his head... I got him out of there before his screeching scared the pony...
Most of the other kids all had a turn:
Cam got very worried when the pony headed back towards her:
See Mac's finger in her mouth? She was VERY distressed that the pony had to wear a hat:
She kept asking: "He has to have a HAT on?"
I tried to get some glamor shots of Mac-Attack and the convertible:
And then she took her cousin for a ride:
They got muddy and it was a super fun party!!!
That's all I'm saying.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Potty Mouth and Others
- daddy dance, what the heck
- oh jesus
- daddy may I sashay up the stairs
- mommy, that goes with the other mellon
- cam up the stairs
- cam climbinb
- cam's first sentence
- blessing herself
- oh jesus
- daddy may I sashay up the stairs
- mommy, that goes with the other mellon
- cam up the stairs
- cam climbinb
- cam's first sentence
- blessing herself
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Private time
Today I followed Mac into the bathroom because I had to wash my hands at the same time that she decided she needed to use the toilet. When I turned the water on I heard:
Mac: you washing your hands?
tt: yes, I just changed jake's diaper, so I want to wash my hands.
Mac: (closing the door) I need privacy
tt: (drying my hands) I can go and give you privacy
Mac: No, you can stay with me.
tt: Okay.
Mac: (after a few minutes) Barack Obama is the president now.
tt: yeah, he just took the oath of office a few weeks ago.
Mac: But he doesn't bring presents like Santa.
tt: (not understanding until I repeated it out loud). That's right, Barack Obama is president, but Santa brings presents.
Mac: yeah, he is president, not santa.
Mac: you washing your hands?
tt: yes, I just changed jake's diaper, so I want to wash my hands.
Mac: (closing the door) I need privacy
tt: (drying my hands) I can go and give you privacy
Mac: No, you can stay with me.
tt: Okay.
Mac: (after a few minutes) Barack Obama is the president now.
tt: yeah, he just took the oath of office a few weeks ago.
Mac: But he doesn't bring presents like Santa.
tt: (not understanding until I repeated it out loud). That's right, Barack Obama is president, but Santa brings presents.
Mac: yeah, he is president, not santa.
Bionic ears
Today was a pretty stressful day.
There was snow all the way to work and so the kids went to "Nana day care".
Work was very stressful and draining.
The ride home was pouring slushy, sleety rain.
I got to Nana and Papa's house late and the kids had already eaten and taken baths. When I walked in the door, my sister called out, "Hi, Web." I heard everyone, but saw no one. Everyone was in the master bedroom or master bath.
But from somewhere deep in the house, Cam started shouting, "TEE TEE" "TEE TEE"...
Cameron is always the one that sees us first. Jake will take his sweet time greeting us at day care, sometimes he is completely unphased at the sights or sounds of his moms, but Cameron hears us before she sees us and shouts the minute she does either. We get a loud, cheerful "KAY-TEE!!!" or "TEE TEE!!!" I thought that was the height of her "excited voice", but the other day I was at day care when my sister arrived, and the intensity of the greeting was at least tripled: "MOMMY!!!"
Jake and Mac are having some ear trouble that is affecting both of their hearing capabilities right now, but Cam's ears make up for the deficits. She's like eagle ears. It's very cute.
There was snow all the way to work and so the kids went to "Nana day care".
Work was very stressful and draining.
The ride home was pouring slushy, sleety rain.
I got to Nana and Papa's house late and the kids had already eaten and taken baths. When I walked in the door, my sister called out, "Hi, Web." I heard everyone, but saw no one. Everyone was in the master bedroom or master bath.
But from somewhere deep in the house, Cam started shouting, "TEE TEE" "TEE TEE"...
Cameron is always the one that sees us first. Jake will take his sweet time greeting us at day care, sometimes he is completely unphased at the sights or sounds of his moms, but Cameron hears us before she sees us and shouts the minute she does either. We get a loud, cheerful "KAY-TEE!!!" or "TEE TEE!!!" I thought that was the height of her "excited voice", but the other day I was at day care when my sister arrived, and the intensity of the greeting was at least tripled: "MOMMY!!!"
Jake and Mac are having some ear trouble that is affecting both of their hearing capabilities right now, but Cam's ears make up for the deficits. She's like eagle ears. It's very cute.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Hidden Toys
Cameron has really taken a liking to the Doll House from my folks for Christmas. She loves playing with it and trying to get the babies to sit in their highchairs. She knows the concept of moma and dada within the house which is really cute BUT she also likes to cart the people/things around the house and dispose of them in random places. I know we should probabaly be able to spot this but we cannot sometimes she is very stelth. Today we found the father in the shoe drawyer, yesterday the dog in the car and the baby girls is still missing from a week ago. At this point we think maybe she took a trip to the garbage.
Cameron now knows her head, belly, ears, mouth and somtimes nose (but mostly nose is also mouth). She understands just about everything we say. He loves to splash in the tub and get a belly laugh from her sister. She helps us get her dressed putting her foot out for "ocks" and "sa-ouse". She knows Dora, Boots, and Winnie the Pooh. She enjoys brushing her teeth and holding tightly to the toothbrush after she is done.
She isn't much for eating meat but loves fruits with blueberries likely being her favorite.
She recently is sleeping about 7:30 to 5:00 which was a welcome change from 8:00 - 12:00 and then 12:30 - 4:30 and then when we were lucky 5:00 - 6:00. She did get a mouthful of teeth in about 3 months but otherwise we are not sure why she wasn't sleeping. In any event, I am happy she has changed her ways.
Cam definately has an opinion about most things and lets it be known but she is still easily distracted and likes to share with her sister (at least for now). She is in a bit of a mommy mania phase but I like it a little bit. My travel schedule has calmed a bit so it is nice to be here and have the girls respond to that.
Cameron now knows her head, belly, ears, mouth and somtimes nose (but mostly nose is also mouth). She understands just about everything we say. He loves to splash in the tub and get a belly laugh from her sister. She helps us get her dressed putting her foot out for "ocks" and "sa-ouse". She knows Dora, Boots, and Winnie the Pooh. She enjoys brushing her teeth and holding tightly to the toothbrush after she is done.
She isn't much for eating meat but loves fruits with blueberries likely being her favorite.
She recently is sleeping about 7:30 to 5:00 which was a welcome change from 8:00 - 12:00 and then 12:30 - 4:30 and then when we were lucky 5:00 - 6:00. She did get a mouthful of teeth in about 3 months but otherwise we are not sure why she wasn't sleeping. In any event, I am happy she has changed her ways.
Cam definately has an opinion about most things and lets it be known but she is still easily distracted and likes to share with her sister (at least for now). She is in a bit of a mommy mania phase but I like it a little bit. My travel schedule has calmed a bit so it is nice to be here and have the girls respond to that.
My daughter says words I cannot even spell. Today she was looking for Cameron and said "come here little ruggie" (that is short for rug-rat which we call both the girls). Then on her way up the stairs she said Vominous, where are we going to get our pajamas on. (gotta love dora).
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Monkey Crush
Cameron has a typical, secret first crush - except that it isn't a secret and it with a monkey. Cam is in love with Boots the monkey (Dora's side kick). When Mac asks to watch Dora, Cameron chimes in with a "peese" and anything with Dora on it she brings it to you and points out Boots while saying with conviction "Bloots"
At 14 months Cam has a personality that will not quit with adorable hip hop dance moves (a very low to the ground bounce with a slight sway) and a belly laugh when she is playing with her sister. Her temper is also quite known and she will grit her teeth and groan in a way that is usually reserved for little old men as they mutter to themselves.
Cam, you are so smart - following commands regarding picking things up, giving toys to mom or mackenzie, giving kisses or hugs, etc. - trying to communicate what you want and then in some cases actually telling us what you want. You have a bunch of words and it grows everyday - I think you said something that seemed like 'i love you' for the first time today but I am not 100% sure. Basically you have a lot of on word expressions like up, down, peese, tank you, enze (for Mac), mama, dada, nana, papa, tt, kt and then you know animal noises as well - growl for bear, moo for cow, woof for dog and quack for duck.
One of my favorite things we have taught you is when we get you ready in the morning and put on your coat (which is a bear suit) you growl. It is super cute!
At 14 months Cam has a personality that will not quit with adorable hip hop dance moves (a very low to the ground bounce with a slight sway) and a belly laugh when she is playing with her sister. Her temper is also quite known and she will grit her teeth and groan in a way that is usually reserved for little old men as they mutter to themselves.
Cam, you are so smart - following commands regarding picking things up, giving toys to mom or mackenzie, giving kisses or hugs, etc. - trying to communicate what you want and then in some cases actually telling us what you want. You have a bunch of words and it grows everyday - I think you said something that seemed like 'i love you' for the first time today but I am not 100% sure. Basically you have a lot of on word expressions like up, down, peese, tank you, enze (for Mac), mama, dada, nana, papa, tt, kt and then you know animal noises as well - growl for bear, moo for cow, woof for dog and quack for duck.
One of my favorite things we have taught you is when we get you ready in the morning and put on your coat (which is a bear suit) you growl. It is super cute!
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